Have you ever been in a situation where you needed money but just did not know how to raise it? Well, you are not alone. A lot of people tend to overlook their owned properties at the time of a financial crisis. Yes, you heard it right. If you own a property, you can easily get a loan against it and sort out your fund emergencies. Such loans are known as Loan against Property.
As the name indicates, a loan against property or LAP is a loan that you can secure in lieu of a residential or commercial property owned by you. However, it is important that there are no other loans or impediments on the property in question. The loan amount is usually a percentage of the market value of the property which in most cases lies between 50-60%.
A lot of people tend to shy away from LAP. Believe it or not this is one of the most secure loans what with the repayment term ranging from 5 to 15 years.
So, is it a good idea to take a loan against a property? Well, let us first take a look at the pros and cons.
When analyzed closely the benefits of loan against property surely outweigh the cons. Though you may have to be satisfied with an amount lower than the market value, the risks are considerably low what with the interest rate and EMI being lower. Also, thanks to the longer tenure option, you can be assured of repaying the loan and recovering your property from the lender.
So, the next time you find yourself in need for funds, think loan against property. This is surely one of the best ways to get your hands on some quick cash without worrying about high rate of interests and other such risks.
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