If you want to make HDFC Credit Card payment using other bank debit cards, you need to make sure that your card is registered for net banking service provided by your bank. Currently, HDFC accepts credit card payment from 60 banks across the country including two digital banks. If you have a debit card of any one of the banks along with net banking access, you can pay your credit card bill through HDFC’s ‘Bill Desk’ facility.
Steps To Pay HDFC Credit Card Bill Payment Through Billdesk / Using A Debit Card (Online)
- Visit HDFC’s Bill Desk page (http://www.billdesk.com/pgidsk/pgmerc/hdfccard/index.jsp)
- Check the ‘Terms & Conditions’ box at the bottom of the page and click on ‘Pay’
- You will be redirected to another page where you need to enter your HDFC Credit Card number, e-mail address and payment amount
- From the ‘Pay from’ drop-down menu, select your preferred banker and click on ‘Pay’
- You will then be redirected to the selected bank’s internet banking payment interface
- On the internet banking page, you need to enter your login credentials such as the user ID and password and confirm the bill amount
- If the transaction is successful, the screen will display ‘Transaction Acknowledgement’ with a reference number. You can retain the number for future queries if any. You will also have an option to print the acknowledgment.
On successful transaction, the payment will be credited to your HDFC credit card account in 3 working days. HDFC will also send an acknowledgment e-mail to your registered e-mail address.
HDFC Credit Card Payment Through SBI Debit Card
As many of our readers are looking for a means to pay HDFC credit card bill using SBI debit card, we would like to provide related details to clear their concerns.
As discussed earlier, HDFC offers debit card payment from around 60 banks including SBI. You can pay HDFC credit card payment through SBI debit card provided you have an internet banking account to your SBI savings account. By SBI savings account, we mean the account related to your SBI debit card from which you would like to make payment to HDFC credit card. If you have SBI net banking account, you can use HDFC Billdesk to make the payment online. The detailed method to make HDFC credit card payment using Billdesk is already mentioned above.
HDFC Credit Card Bill through A Debit Card (Offline)
ATM funds transfer is the only payment option that allows HDFC Credit Card payment using a debit card. However, only HDFC debit cardholders can use the facility as the bank is currently not accepting other banks debit cards for bill payment through ATM. If you are an HDFC debit cardholder, follow the instructions provided below to pay your credit card bill using your debit card.
Steps To Pay HDFC Credit Card Bill through A Debit Card (Offline)
- Visit any one of the HDFC ATM kiosks
- Insert your HDFC debit card and enter the PIN
- Select your preferred language
- From the menu, select ‘Services’
- Choose ‘Bill Payment > Credit Card bill payment’
- Enter your HDFC credit card details
- The ATM screen will then display the total outstanding due and minimum due on the card
- Select the payment you wish to make and click on confirm
Your HDFC account linked to your debit card will automatically get debited with the amount, while your credit card account is likely to get credit on the same day.
FAQs On HDFC Credit Card Bill Payment through Debit Card
How to make HDFC credit card payment through SBI debit card?
You can pay your HDFC credit card bill using an SBI debit card if you have internet banking account to your SBI savings account related to the debit card. Once you have internet banking access, you can use HDFC’s Billdesk to pay the credit card bill.
Can I use other bank debit card to pay HDFC Credit Card bill?
Currently, HDFC accepts only HDFC debit cards to make credit card payments through its ATMs. If you want to use other bank debit cards, you must have registered for the bank’s net banking facility to transfer funds from the account linked to the debit card. You can find the list of banks acceptable for HDFC credit card payment above.
If my bank is not listed in the Billdesk menu, what should I do?
HDFC currently accepts debit cards of 60 banks across India, including two digital payment banks. In case, your bank is not listed you have to opt for another payment option. You can use the NEFT option to transfer funds from your bank’s net banking account using HDFC’s IFSC code HDFC0000128.
Is there any fee for paying HDFC Credit Card bill through ATM?
No, you will not be charged anything for making payment through ATM.
How long will it take for the credit card payment to be processed?
If you are making HDFC Credit Card payment through HDFC ATM, the amount may get credited on the same day. If you are paying it with other bank debit cards through net banking it takes 3-4 working days to process the payment.
Can I pay my HDFC Credit Card bill at another bank’s ATM?
No, you cannot pay the bill at other bank’s ATM. You can visit any of the HDFC ATMs located across the country.