If you invest in equities and you sell those shares you are taxed on the amount that you gained from each share. The gain is generally calculated as the difference between the price of the share you bought it at and the price of the share when you are selling it. In other ways, you have made an income out of it. Likewise, when it comes to real estate there is a difference in price when you made an investment and then your selling price. This is the difference is known as the capital gain in real estate.
However, this amount is taxable just as the difference of a share being bought and sold amount is, by the Indian Government. but if you have made losses in the transaction whether it is equity or real estate, the amount is not table. Equities and real estate obviously are considered long-term capital gains since their holding period is generally over 3 years or more. Especially in the case of real estate, holding period makes them specifically long term capital gain.
let us first calculate the capital gains made on on your real estate investment.
The gains from real estate is included in the investor’s income and hence taxed based on the income slab that the investor falls under. Here is how you actually calculate the tax on the taxable amount of the capital gain you are expected to make:
There are several spots in the system which allow you to make savings on capital gain tax easily.Here are some of the ways it can be done:
People also avoid paying tax on the sale of the real estate property through other means as well. Although not advisable people in India have the tendency of selling the real estate undervalued rate to a familiar person or in pieces to avoid the the tax aspect. But remember that these transactions are considered sources of black money. It is advisable to do it the right way, so that one does not land up in trouble with law or worse, their conscience.
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