You can earn points on your credit card by paying for your purchases or bills with the card. Every time you swipe your card, reward points will be credited to your rewards account. Depending on the type of card you hold, you can earn welcome points or welcome miles. On swiping your card for the first time within 90 days, HDFC rewards cardholders of select cards with a bundle of reward points. Spending a set amount of money in a year on your credit card will also attract reward points.
Credit Card | Welcome Points | Reward points | Accelerated Rewards | Validity |
Platinum Times Card | NA | 3 Reward Points for every Rs. 150 spent | 10 Reward Points on every Rs. 150 spent on Dining spends on weekdays i.e., Monday to Friday | 2 years |
Titanium Times Card | NA | 2 Reward Points for every Rs. 150 spent | 5 Reward Points on every Rs. 150 spent on Dining spends on weekdays i.e., Monday to Friday | 2 years |
JetPrivilege HDFC Bank Diners Club Credit Card | – 30,000 Bonus JPMiles – 15 JetPrivilege Tier points | 8 JPMiles for every Rs. 150 spent | 3X JPMiles on every flight booked on the Jet Airways website | Not specified |
JetPrivilege HDFC Bank World | 10,000 Bonus JPMiles | 6 JPMiles for every Rs. 150 spent | -18 JPMiles on every flight booked on Jet Airways website -1 JP Tier Point on every 2 lac spends | Not specified |
Diners Club Black | NA | 5 Reward Points for every Rs. 150 on retail spends | 10 Reward Points for every Rs. 150 spent on retail shopping on the HDFC Bank Diners Club website | 3 years |
Diners Club Premium | NA | 4 Reward Points for every Rs. 150 spends | 8 Reward Points for every Rs. 150 spent on retail shopping on HDFC Bank Diners Club website | 2 years |
Diners Club Rewardz | NA | 3 Reward Points for every Rs. 150 spends | 6 Reward Points for every Rs. 150 spent on retail shopping on HDFC Bank Diners Club website | 2 years |
Infinia | NA | 10 points for every Rs.150 spent on bookings made on | 2X points on booking flight tickets, hotel stay, movie tickets, mobile and DTH recharge on HDFC Bank Infinia website | 2 years |
Regalia | NA | 4 Reward Points on every Rs. 150 spent | 8 Reward Points for every 150 spent for: – Bookings on HDFC Bank Regalia website – Spends on Dining (stand-alone restaurants only) – Bookings on Air Vistara website | 2 years |
Superia | 1000 Reward Points | 3 Reward Points on Rs 150 spent | 4.5 Reward Points on dining spends | 2 years |
Solitaire | NA | 3 Reward Points on Rs. 150 spent | 4.5 Reward Points on dining spends | 2 years |
AllMiles | 1000 Reward Points | 3 Reward Points per Rs.150 on retail purchases | NA | 2 years |
Maruti Suzuki NEXA HDFC Bank AllMiles | 1000 Reward Points | 3 Reward Points per Rs.150 on retail purchases | 6 Reward Points per Rs.150 all spends made on MyNEXA section of Nexa Experience website | 2 years |
Snapdeal HDFC Bank | 500 Reward Points | -4 Reward Points per Rs.150 on any 1 category of your choice. -2 Reward Points per Rs.150 spent on all purchases | 6 Reward Points per Rs.150 on all spends made on Snapdeal | 2 years |
Doctor’s Superia | 1000 Reward Points | 3 Reward Points on Rs 150 spent | 4.5 Reward Points on dining spends | 2 years |
Teacher’s Platinum | NA | 2 Reward Points on Rs. 150 spent | -3X Reward Points on weekend shopping -500 Bonus Reward Points on Teacher’s Day | 2 years |
World MasterCard | NA | 2 Reward Points on Rs. 150 spent | 3 Reward Points for every Rs. 150 spent above Rs. 75,000 per statement cycle | 2 years |
Visa Signature | NA | 2 Reward Points on Rs. 150 spent | 3 Reward Points for every Rs. 150 spent above Rs. 75,000 per statement cycle | 2 years |
Platinum Plus | NA | 2 Reward Points on Rs. 150 spent. | 3 Reward Points for every Rs. 150 spent above Rs. 50,000 per statement cycle | 2 years |
Business MoneyBack | NA | 2 Reward Points on Rs 150 spent | 3X Reward Points on business related spends | 2 years |
Business Regalia | NA | 4 Reward Points on every Rs. 150 spent | 8 Reward Points for every 150 spent for: – Bookings on HDFC Bank Regalia website – Spends on Dining (stand-alone restaurants only) – Bookings on Air Vistara website | 2 years |
Corporate Platinum | NA | 2 Reward Points for every Rs. 150 spends | NA | 2 years |
Corporate Card | NA | 2 reward points for every Rs. 150 spent on your card | 2x reward points for spends on air, travel, hotel, restaurants and utility spends | 2 years |
Platinum Edge | NA | 2 Reward Points for every Rs. 150 spends | 3 Reward Points for every Rs. 150 spends on dining | 2 years |
Titanium Edge | NA | 2 Reward Points for every Rs. 150 spends | 3 Reward Points for every Rs. 150 spends on dining | 2 years |
MoneyBack | NA | 2 Reward Points for every Rs. 150 spends | 3X Reward Points on online spends. | 2 years |
To redeem your HDFC Reward Points, you need to have accumulated at least 500 points.
HDFC Bank provides multiple ways of redemption for reward points. Credit cardholders can redeem their points according to their convenience using any of the 4 methods offered.
Credit Card | Reward points | Cashback |
Titanium Edge | 1 point | 0.25 paisa |
Platinum Edge | 1 point | 0.40 paisa |
Money Back | 1 point | 0.40 paisa |
Solitaire | 1 point | 0.40 paisa |
Business Money Back | 1 point | 0.40 paisa |
Credit Card | Reward Points | Miles Earned |
Silver, Gold, Titanium, Titanium Edge, Times Titanium | 470 points | 100 JPMiles |
Corporate, Platinum, Solitaire, Teachers Platinum, Times Platinum, MoneyBack, Business Money Back | 250 points | 100 JPMiles |
Signature, World, Corporate Signature, Corporate World | 230 points | 100 JPMiles |
Solitaire Premium | 200 points | 100 JPMiles |
Diners Premium, Diners Black, Infinia | 100 | 100 JPMiles |
Platinum Edge, Doctor’s Platinum, Superia, Doctor’s Superia, All Miles, Diners Rewards | 140 points | 100 JPMiles |
Regalia, Business Regalia, Corporate Card (Premium) | 130 points | 100 JPMiles |
Air India:
Credit Card | Reward Points | Miles Earned |
Silver, Gold, Titanium, Titanium Edge, Times Titanium | 420 points | 100 Air Miles |
Corporate, Platinum, Solitaire, Teachers Platinum, Times Platinum, MoneyBack, Business Money Back | 230 points | 100 Air Miles |
Signature, World, Corporate Signature, Corporate World | 220 points | 100 Air Miles |
Solitaire Premium | 200 points | 100 Air Miles |
Diners Premium, Diners Black, Infinia | 100 | 100 Air Miles |
Platinum Edge, Doctor’s Platinum, Superia, Doctor’s Superia, All Miles, Diners Rewards | 140 points | 100 Air Miles |
Regalia, Business Regalia, Corporate Card (Premium) | 130 points | 100 Air Miles |
Kris Flyer:
Credit Card | Reward Points | Miles Earned |
Diners Black | 100 points | 100 KrisFlyer Miles |
Diners Premium | 130 points | 100 KrisFlyer Miles |
Superia | 1.4 points | 1 KrisFlyer Mile |
Doctor’s Superia | 1.4 points | 1 KrisFlyer Mile |
Regalia | 1.3 points | 1 KrisFlyer Mile |
Business Regalia | 1.3 points | 1 KrisFlyer Mile |
Corporate Card (Premium) | 1.3 points | 1 KrisFlyer Mile |
Corporate Airmiles Redemption:
For HDFC Corporate Credit Cards, the redemption rates are different. It will take a period of 7 to 10 days for the airline to confirm the conversion to air miles. For the e-vouchers, you will need to call the respective airline for bookings.
Airline | Reward Points | Miles Earned |
Jet Airways | 3 points | 1 JPMile |
Air India | 3 points | 1 Air Mile |
KrisFlyer | 3 points | 1 KrisFlyer Mile |
Indigo | 2000 points | Rs. 500 e-voucher |
Diners Club Air Miles:
For Diners Club Credit Cardholders, the redemption rates are given below. It will take up to 14 working days for confirmation of the Air Miles or Room Miles. Rs. 75 will be charged for handling fees.
Category | Partner | Diners Club Premium | Diners Club Black | Rewards Programme | ||
Reward points | Miles Earned | Reward points | Miles Earned | |||
Airlines | Jet Airways | 1 point | 1 JPMile | 1 point | 1 JPMile | JetPrivilege |
Air India | 1 point | 1 Air Mile | 1 point | 1 Air Mile | Flying Returns | |
Virgin Atlantic | 1.3 points | 1 Air Mile | 1 point | 1 Air Mile | Virgin Atlantic Airways Flying Club | |
Air Canada | 1.3 points | 1 Air Mile | 1 point | 1 Air Mile | Aeroplane | |
American Airlines | 1.4 points | 1 Air Mile | 1 point | 1 Air Mile | Advantage | |
Delta Airlines | 1.4 points | 1 Air Mile | 1 point | 1 Air Mile | Skymiles | |
Singapore Airlines | 1.3 points | 1 Air Mile | 1 point | 1 Air Mile | Kris Flyer | |
Frontier Airlines | 1.25 points | 1 Air Mile | 1 point | 1 Air Mile | Early Returns | |
SAS | 1.1 points | 1 Air Mile | 1 point | 1 Air Mile | Voyager | |
Southwest Airlines | 1.1 points | 1 Air Mile | 1 point | 1 Air Mile | Southwest Airlines Rapid Rewards | |
Hotels | Hyatt | 1.6 points | 1 Mile | 1 point | 1 Mile | Gold Passport |
Marriott | 1 points | 1 Mile | 1 point | 1 Mile | Rewards |
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