Fill Passport Application Form Offline
- Writing: Fill all details in the form in CAPITALs, with one letter to each box, in a simple clear writing. Ensure the details are within the box and not on our outside the borders. Leave a space to separate each word.
- Name: Ensure you write your name clearly with one letter to each box as per the instruction i.e. given name or surname or other names. Leave a space to separate each name.
- Pen: Use the ball-point pen in blue or black only and not ink pen. The ball pen nib should be thin to ensure maximum legibility.
- Options: When you have to choose from different options e.g. gender, use an to mark the appropriate box. Don’t use tick marks or other symbols.
- Fill only relevant columns: Fill in only those details that are required of you and leave the remaining blank. Don’t strike out or mark as not applicable or NA’ if a field doesn’t apply to you.
- Don’t fold or dirty or smudge the form
passport photograph dimensions/requirements
Do not paste a photograph if the form is to be submitted at a PSK or a mini – PSK. If the form is to be submitted at other centers viz. DPCs, SPCs or CSCs (click here to know more about applying through these centers) you will have to paste a photograph of the following dimensions and particulars.
- Unsigned photograph; don’t sign over it once pasted
- Only one photograph to be pasted, fitting in the space provided, neither bigger nor smaller
- Latest photograph in colour printed in one continuous tone
- Frontal view of candidate, head centred and both ears and facial edges visible, eyes open, neutral facial expression (exception – religious head covers; top of face to bottom of chin and facial edges should be visible)
- White background, dark outfit/dress (uniforms not permitted)
- Dimensions – 4.5 cms X 3.5 cms
- Good quality paper to be used for the photo, computer prints are not permitted, damaged/torn photos are not permitted
- Sign under the passport in the box provided. In case of minor applicants, the signature/thumb impression will have to be of the minor only. Parents/guardians should not sign, under the photo, on behalf of the minor. Ensure your signature/thumb impression is well within the box to be accurately scanned.
How To Fill The Passport Application Form – Column-Wise Guidelines/ Instructions
This deals with 10 main columns and their sub-columns
- Column 1 Required Services
- Column 2 Details of the applicant
- Column 3 Details of the applicant’s family
- Column 4 Details of current residence
- Column 5 Details of emergency contacts
- Column 6 References (of those who know you)
- Column 7 Details of old passports or passports held previously (in relation to passport reissue)
- Column 8 Other details (pertaining to criminal cases)
- Column 9 Details of passport fees (not applicable to applications submitted at the PSK)
- Column 10 Attached supporting documents
Column 1 Details of type of Passport Service
- Column 1.1 Here you specify if you’re applying for a fresh or new passport. If so, put an in the box against the option Fresh Passport’
- Column 1.2 Here you specify if you’re applying to reissue a passport or if you’re applying for another passport in lieu of a current passport. If so, put an an in the box against the option Re-Issue of Passport’. This column will have to be filled in along with Column 7.1 (find below) which pertains to particulars about your current passport. You will also have to specify the reason choosing from the following options.
- Your passport has expired or is nearing expiry
- The expiry date of the passport you currently hold was more than 3 years from current date of application for reissue
- You want another passport in place of your existing one to change/modify/update details in your current passport such as change of address, name, etc. See Column 1.3
- You want another passport to supplement your existing one because you’ve exhausted or used up all the pages in your current passport.
- You’ve lost your current passport and want a duplicate passport
- You’ve damaged your current passport and want a duplicate passport
- Column 1.3 If you wish to change or modify your personal information in your existing passport, you will need to specify your reason for the same here. Marking an against the below options, as appropriate
- Change in appearance, signature, given names, surname, birth date, spouse’s name, address, Deletion of ECR, Other changes to be specified in the boxes mentioned below.
- Column 1.4 This specifies the Type of Passport Application‘ you’re making. Choose the appropriate option by marking an in the box.
- Normal Choose this option for regular applications
- Tatkaal Choose this option for urgent applications
- Column 1.5 This is where you specify the number of pages you want in your passport by marking an in the appropriate box.
- Booklet of 36 pages
- Booklet of 60 pages
- Column 1.6 This is where you specify a minor’s passport validity required by marking an in the appropriate box.
- Between 15 and 18 years old: Choose between 10 year validity or years until the minor turns 18 years of age.
Note For minors up to 15 years old leave this section blank since the validity is, by default, set to 5 years or up to 18 years of age, whichever is earlier.
Column 2 Particulars of the applicant
- Column 2.1 Here, you will have to fill in your full name as you would like it to appear on your passport. Initials are not allowed.
- This includes your given or first name and your surname or last name.
- Given names include first and middle names. 45 boxes (for 45 letters) are provided for these names.
- Surname is your last name/family name. 45 boxes (for 45 letters) are provided for this name. Leave the surname boxes blank if you don’t have a surname. Alternatively, your surname may consist of two or more names, in which case, fill them all.
- Don’t use initials, titles, honorifics etc.
- A space i.e. one blank box, should separate each name.
- Column 2.2 This is where you specify whether you have an alias (names other than your given names) by marking an in the appropriate box.
- Yes In case you do have an alias. Details pertaining to this will have to be filled in the Supplementary Form in Column 1
- No – If you don’t have an alias
- Colum 2.3 This is where you specify if you have changed your name in the past by marking in the box against the appropriate option.
- Yes If you have made prior changes to your name. This will include both minor and major changes. It also pertains to those who change their names post marriage viz. married women. Details pertaining to this will have to be filled in the Supplementary Form in Column 2.
- No If you have never made prior changes to your name.
- Column 2.4 Here, you will fill in details of your birth date. Fill this is in as date of birth/month of birth/year of birth(dd-mm-yyyy)
- Column 2.5 This pertains to details of your place of birth. If born in India, fill the first three options and leave the option for birth place outside India, blank. If born outside India, leave the first three options blank and fill the last option naming the country you were born in. There are 25 boxes each for
- Name of the Village, Town or City in India, where you were born
- Name of the District in India, where you were born
- Name of the State or Union Territory, in India, where you were born.
- Name of the Country if you were born outside India. Note – If you were born outside India before August 15th 1947, in what is now called Pakistan or Bangladesh, then fill the boxes with Undivided India’.
- Column 2.6 Specify your gender here by marking an in the box against the appropriate option. There are 3 gender options provided in the passport form viz.
- Male, Female or Transgender
- Column 2.7 Specify your marital status here by marking an in the box against the appropriate option. There are 5 options provided viz.
- Single, Married, Divorced, Widow or Widower or Separated
- Column 2.8 Specify how you obtained Indian citizenship by marking an in the box against the appropriate option. There are 3 choices viz.
- Citizen by birth, citizen by descent and citizen by registration/naturalization
- Column 2.9 Provide you PAN here by filling in each box with each character of the number. If you don’t have a PAN number, leave this section blank.
- Column 2.10 Provide your Voter ID number here by filling in each box with each character of the ID. If you don’t have a voter ID, leave this section blank.
- Column 2.11 This is where you specify the type or nature of your employment or your occupation by marking an in the box against the appropriate option. There are 12 options provided viz.
- Public Sector Undertaking (PSU) employee, Government employee, Employee of a Statutory Body, Private Sector employee, Retired government employee, Retired private sector employee, Self-Employed person, Partners, Owners, Directors, of companies which are members of the CII or FICCI or ASSOCHAM, Person not-employed, Homemaker, Students, Others (to be specified in the boxes provided below).
- If you choose any of the first 3 options, you will have to fill Column 2.12 as well.
- Column 2.12 Provide the name of the PSU, Government organization or Statutory Body that you’re employed with by filling in the boxes below. Leave a space to separate names. 36 boxes are provided for this.
- Column 2.13 This is where minor applicants specify if their parent(s) are government employees and where major applicants specify if their spouse (if any) is a government employee by marking in an against options Yes’ or No’.
- Column 2.14 This part is deals with the applicant’s educational background. Mark an against your highest qualification from among the options provided viz. 5th standard or lower, 6th to 9th standard, 10th pass or Graduate or above graduate.
- Column 2.15 Specify clearly here whether you are of Non-ECR status by marking an against the options of Yes’ or No’. (To know about ECR and Non-ECR categories, click here)
- Column 2.16 In the boxes provided in this section, you will have to mention any type of physical, bodily marks that are apparent on your person e.g. a large birthmark or scars etc.
- Column 2.17 Clearly fill in your Aadhaar Number here, one character in each of the 12 boxes. (Find out about Aadhaar number here)
Column 3 Details of the applicant’s family
- Column 3.1 Enter your father’s full name here, starting with his given name i.e. first and middle names followed by his surname.
- Column 3.2 – Enter your mother’s full name here, starting with her given name i.e. first and middle names followed by her surname.
- Column 3.3 In case of minors, enter the legal guardian’s full name here, starting with his/her given name i.e. first and middle names followed by her surname.
- Column 3.4 Enter your spouse’s name here (if any), starting with his/her given name i.e. first and middle names followed by her surname.
- Column 3.5 This section applies to minor applicants. The minor’s parents’ or legal guardians’ passport file numbers will have to be entered here. If the minor’s parents or legal guardians have also applied for passports which haven’t been issued yet, the file numbers can be filled in. Fill in one character in each box. Also, if the minor’s parent(s) or legal guardian (s) are of a nationality other than Indian, this has to be specified in the boxes provided. If the parents/guardians don’t have a passport file number, minor passport will be issued post PV only.
Column 4 Details of the applicant’s current residence
- Column 4.1 – Here, you will have to enter the year and month since which you have been residing at your current address. The Supplementary Form will have to be filled in case your duration of residence at the current address is less than one year – Column 3 and Column 5 if you are a temporary visitors to India.
- Column 4.2 Provide details of your current address viz. your House and Street Number / Name, Village/Town/City, District, Police Station , State/Union Territory, Pin Code. You will also have to provide your Mobile/Telephone (landline) number and email id. Fill in one character per box.
- Column 4.3 If your permanent address is the same as the current address mentioned above, mark an in the box against the option Yes’. If it differs, choose the option No’ and fill in supporting information in the Supplementary Form Column 4.
Column 5 Details of emergency contacts
Enter details of a person you deem to be your contact in case of an emergency i.e. when you can’t be reached. Fill in the boxes provided with your emergency contact’s name. If the contact’s address differs from your current address, as mentioned above in column 4.2, fill in the address as well. Also provide the contact’s phone numbers and email id.
Column 6 Details of applicant’s references (people in the applicant’s village/town/city)
- Column 6.1 – Name your first reference along with his/her address and phone numbers.
- Column 6.2 Name your second reference along with his/her address and phone numbers.
Column 7 Details of current/old passports including those lost or damaged or old applications
- Column 7.1 This is where you enter your current passport details viz. the passport number, issue and expiry date, and place of issue. If your passport expired and you don’t have a current one, enter details of the old passport. Similarly in case of lost or damaged passports which haven’t been replaced.
- Column 7.2 If you don’t have a passport or haven’t held on earlier but applied for one that wasn’t issued, mark an in the box against the option Yes’ and provide the passport file number along with the date and month you applied for it and the name of the passport office as well. If you haven’t applied for a passport choose the option No’ and leave the remaining boxes blank.
Column 8 Other details
- Column 8.1 If you are currently or have been charged criminally, mark in the box against the option Yes’ and provide supporting details in the Supplementary Form Column 7.1. If not, choose No’. (see also GSR 570 (E))
- Column 8.2 If you have, in the 5 years prior to this application, been convicted and imprisoned for 2 or more years, criminally, mark an in the box against the option Yes’ and provide supporting details in the Supplementary Form Column 7.2. If not, choose No’.
- Column 8.3 If prior passport applications have been denied/rejected, mark an in the box against the option Yes’ and provide reasons for the same in the Supplementary Form Column 7.3. If not, choose No’.
- Column 8.4 If you’ve ever had your passport revoked or impounded prior to this application, mark an in the box against the option Yes’ and provide reasons for the same in the Supplementary Form Column 7.4. If not, choose No’.
- Column 8.5 If you’ve ever been given/applied for political asylum by/to a country other than India, mark an in the box against the option Yes’ and details in the Supplementary Form Column 7.5. If not, choose No’.
- Column 8.6 If you were ever deported or repatriated to India from another country, or have had to return to India using an Emergency Certificate, mark an in the box against the option Yes’ and details in the Supplementary Form Column 7.6. If not, choose No’.
Column 9 Details of passport fees for those not applying through a Passport Seva Kendra (PSK)
- Column 9.1 Enter the passport fee amount paid in Rupees i.e. in numbers
- Column 9.2 If passport fee was paid via Demand Draft (DD), enter in the boxes provided, the DD details viz. number, issue and expiry date, bank and branch name.
Column 10 List of documents attached with the application form / Enclosures
List out correctly, all supporting documents enclosed for submission with the application. (Find out what documents you have to submit along with your application here).
Column 11 Applicant’s self-declaration
This is a declaration printed at the end of the application form. It states your allegiance to India and that you have not chosen another country’s citizenship or passport/travel papers. It also states all the information you’ve provided in the application is true and accurate and that you are aware it is a criminal offense to do otherwise.
- Once you read this, fill in the box marked place e.g. Bangalore, Chennai, Lucknow etc. and enter the date i.e. the date when the form is filled.
- Clearly sign the form in the box provided. (Left thumb impression for illiterates).
- In case of minor applicants, either parent can sign on behalf of the minor.
How to Fill the Supplementary Passport Application Form – Column-wise Guidelines/ instructions
In this form, applicants provide additional details to support or explain certain sections of the main form. This deals with 8 columns and their sub-sections
- Column 1 – Aliases in relation to Column 2.2 of Main Form
- Column 2 – Past names in relation to Column of Main Form
- Column 3 – Past addresses in relation to Column of Main Form
- Column 4 – Permanent address in relation to Column of Main Form
- Column 5 – Address for temporary visits in relation to Column of Main Form
- Column 6 – Official / Diplomatic passports in relation to Column of Main Form
- Column 7 – Other information in relation to Column of Main Form
- Column 8 – Self-declaration