Aadhar Card is one of the least demanding government personality cards to obtain, as its procedure is straightforward and a large portion of its administrations are accessible on the web. You could exploit this straightforward entry and guarantee that your Aadhar Card is sans mistake. Since the Aadhar Card is vital in numerous saving money offices and in getting government benefits, ensure the subtle elements on the card are exact and fully informed regarding points of interest, for example, address. Thus, let us investigate why we require it and how to apply for it before we get into checking the Aadhar card refresh status.
Simply follow the given steps, below to be able to apply for an update/change/correction in Aadhar card details:
Once you have applied for the change or update in your details for the aadhar card on the Aadhaar Self Service Update Portal, you need to return to the website to check the status. Follow the given steps below, to check the aadhar status:
The Online portal through SSUP enables people to change the following details only:
For any other details you would need to access the Aadhar card website, download the form and submit it with adequate documents at the aadhaar enrolment centre close to your home.
You need to have the following documents and information ready before you are about to apply for the change:
You may get the following statuses for the Aadhar Card Details Update:
If the status reads ‘Rejected’, the following reasons could be possible:
This is what you need to do next to be able to make the changes, if you don’t know what went wrong or the exact documents for your case, since it varies in circumstances for people:
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