List of Airtel Payments Bank IFSC Code, MICR Code and Addresses of all Branches in India
IFSC Code of Airtel Payments Bank
It is a payments bank that was launched as the first entity to acquire its final license from RBI (Reserve Bank of India). The bank leverages the spread of network across 1.5 million outlets, covering 5,000 census town and more than 400,000 villages. The idea is to serve the unique needs of every customer in the country.
Like any other bank, Airtel Payments Bank Limited ensures three specific ways for remittance of money which include RTGS, NEFT and IMPS. To use any of these transaction modes, it is necessary have the Airtel Payments Bank Limited IFSC Code that consists of 11 alphanumerals. Suppose, you are looking out for Airtel Payments Bank Limited Mumbai IFSC code, then there are two ways to search. You may either find it in your cheque book or you may look it out online.
For finding Airtel Payments Bank Limited bank Chennai IFSC code or Airtel Payments Bank Limited bank Delhi IFSC code, you can always look out online on the company’s website.