Jul 13

Aadhaar Card: Unique Identity for Every Indian

A large number of countries across the globe make use of the Unique Identity (UID) system by which every citizen get a number that contains all the details relevant to their identity for it. The Indian Government has also introduced such a system in India and is calling it AADHAAR that is also known as UID. They aim to use the number to offer benefits to civilians. All these benefits could consist of things such as the several subsidies, which the government offers; including things such as subsidy on gas. The Unique Identification Authority of India, abbreviated as UIDAI, runs the project and came into existence in January 2009. A few problems were faced by the project since its outset with the claims that this project was not completely constitutional as a collection of citizens’ biometric data by the Government of India was involved.

The common idea of this project is to issue each and every civilian with a single number to assist in reaping the benefit of the schemes that the government announced. The unique identity consists of the issuance of an Aadhar card with a twelve digit Aadhaar number on it. The concept is also that it would serve as an ID card for every person and could be linked to alternative services such as pension schemes, bank accounts, and UAN.

What is an Aadhar Card?

Aadhaar Card is a documentation issued after the approval of the application and a number called Aadhar number is assigned. If you already have the Aadhar number and want your Aadhar card quickly, then you have an option to download the card in a PDF format by making use of your Aadhar number or enrolment number. It should, however, be taken into notice that it is not mandatory to have a hard copy of the Aadhar card to avail its benefits.

Aadhaar Card Purpose:

The Aadhar Card’s purpose was to make it easier for the public to avail the subsidies of the government and have a number, which worked as an address proof and identity proof. The other reason that the Indian Government has voted for the formation of this was to assist the forces curbing illegal immigration to the nation. Aadhaar is not just a card, which can replace the requirement for the passports and licenses of drivers. It does not even recognise an individual as family’s part nor can any person have more than one Aadhar number. 

Aadhar Card Uses:

Universal Identity Card:

The main aim to formulate the Aadhar Card has always been to make a universal and unique identity card for the civilians of India that would assist in negating the need for different documents to apply for several services.

Government Subsidy:

The Indian Government offers particular subsidies to specific citizens but there are instances when this sort of welfare has been abused. The number of Aadhar card was destined to assist in solving such problem and make sure that the individuals who need welfare, and qualify for it, receive it. Aadhaar card is a proof of eligibility of an individual to get enrolled himself in programmes by the government like the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyaan and the Right to Education. 

Phone Connections:

You can replace KYC documents such as proof of address and identity proof with the Aadhar Card when it comes to getting a new cell phone or landline connection.

Gas Connections:

As per the Scheme of PAHAL DBTL, the individuals who have obtained Aadhar card can make use of the card to avail subsidies on gas cylinders. In order to avail it, they are supposed to have an Aadhaar card, which is linked or associated with the connection of gas along with a bank account.


There is no condition for the validity of the Aadhaar card. It stays valid during the life of the individual.

Bank Accounts:

The benefit of having a bank account associated with the Aadhar number is that whenever there are any government welfare schemes and you are found eligible for the scheme and you are required to get financial advances, you can get these transferred to the bank account that is linked to the Aadhaar at once.

How to get your Aadhaar Card linked to PAN to file ITR?

It has become mandatory to link your Aadhar Card with PAN to file Income Tax Return. The individuals who have not yet filed the ITR must link their Aadhar with PAN by following the simple steps mentioned below:

Steps to link Aadhar with PAN Card for IT return:

  • Log on to the official website of income tax, http://incometaxindiaefiling.go[dot].in/
  • Select ‘Link Aadhaar’ option
  • Enter the required details such as Aadhar Number, PAN card details and your name as mentioned in the Aadhar.

Aadhar Number Details:

In contrast to a popular belief, Aadhaar is not just a card. The Aadhar number is a unique number containing all the details of an individual.

What is Aadhar Number?

The Aadhar number is a 12-digit unique identification number that is assigned to an individual. Under this, the person can condense other information and facts about them like phone connections, bank accounts, etc. It also holds biometric data about the individual to whom it gets issued.

Aadhar Number Format:

When an individual is accredited an Aadhar number, they receive a 12-digit number accredited to them. There are twelve digits in the number that identify 100 billion individuals, which can be stored under several numbers. The first 11 digits of the Adhaar number provide these 100 billion identities and the last digit is a sort of check-digit to assist in preventing errors in the data entry.

Aadhar Card Details:

The Adhar issued along with the Aadhar number acts the fundamental details of the individual. The details consist of:

  • The name of the individual
  • The Aadhaar number
  • EID- the enrolment number
  • The address of the individual (according to the records)
  • The gender of the individual
  • The date of birth of the individual
  • A photograph
  • Aadhar Number Vs Aadhar Card
  • A barcode representing the Aadhaar number itself

People believe that the Aadhar card is a mandatory document that everyone must have and the card is what every individual is required to get. However this is a myth as it is said that Aadhar is not just a card but also the number. This number is the key to the identity of the individual. It is also mandatory that you acquire your Aadhar card so as to avail the Aadhar’s benefits. It should suffice if you quote the number alone.

Eligibility Criteria for Aadhar:

Aadhaar is a number, which can provides the individuals who reside in India, with a single document serving a number of purposes covering proof of address to proof of identity. This card can even suffice as the gateway of an individual to approach special government schemes. Whilst it is not necessary have an Aadhar number, however, there are a few eligibility criteria to be filled by the people aspiring of obtaining Aadhar number. There is no excessively complicated or technical list of needs that are to be fulfilled. It is absolutely quite easy and simple as you’re about to see.

While talking about the eligibility, you must keep one thing in mind that the Aadhar card is to signifies the identity of a person. It is not limited to the citizenry of India and this is why it is made available for residents of India, foreigners who reside in India and NRIs.

The particulars of the Aadhar Card Eligibility are as under:

  • Any civilian of India is eligible to apply for the card.
  • Kids who have attained an age of 3 years qualify to have an Aadhar Card.
  • NRIs also qualify to apply for Aadhar Card.
  • Foreigners residing in India are also eligible to take this card.

Aadhaar Card for Resident Indians:

Every single individual who lives in India, regardless of gender, religion or race, qualifies to apply for Aadhar. You need not be a part of any specific section of the society in order to obtain Aadhar number.

Aadhar Card for Minors:

Even a minor is eligible to avail an Aadhaar card. A birth certificate is needed together with an identity proof and address of his or her parents. They should have attained an age of 1 year in order to enrol themselves and will receive the card once they attain the age of 3. Once the UID is generated, they will be required to update the biometric data once they attain an age of 15 years.

Aadhaar Card for NRIs:

An NRI i.e. a non-resident Indian qualifies to apply for an Aadhaar Card ?

Aadhar for Foreigners:

It might seem to be a little odd that documentation such as Aadhaar card must be made available to immigrants but since the Aadhar card is not an evidence of Indian citizenship, the card is available to the immigrants who reside in India also.

It does not matter about the situation, as the former words are amply clear and transparent, if you are living in India then you qualify for a Unique Identity and you can get one for yourself here.

How to Receive an Aadhar Card?

You cannot apply for an Aadhaar number in online mode. Citizens can only book an appointment at any Aadhar Centre online. You can follow the process given below in order to get an Aadhar Card:

  • The first step is registering yourself for an appointment at the Aadhaar Centre. You can do this through the official website, of Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI). The official website allows applicants to fill a form gathering all their information. On the same website applicants may choose an enrolment centre along with their visit date. Once you book an appointment, the candidate applying for the card has to go to the centre with the appropriate proofs and also supposed to present a biometric data in the form of records of the iris scan and fingerprints.
  • Once you provide all the information, the authorities will verify that.
  • After your information is verified successfully, you will get an alert via an email or SMS briefing you about the status of your application.
  • After receiving the SMS, in short while, your Aadhar number will be produced and sent to you on your registered number.

Documents Needed for Aadhar Card:

There are a few basic and fundamental requirements, which are to be put up with in order to obtain an Aadhaar Card.

  • You are required to be present physically in order to collect biometric data.
  • You must carry the documents as an evidence of the below-mentioned criteria:
  • Authenticating your identity
  • Authenticating your age
  • Authenticating your proof of marriage
  • Authenticating the applicant’s place residence
  • To present an evidence of the aforementioned points you are required to carry any of the documents mentioned below:
  • Drivers Licence
  • Birth Certificate
  • Voter Identity Card
  • PAN Cards
  • Passports
  • SSLC Certificates

Aadhaar Form:

There is only one form, which is linked to the Aadhaar Service. It is called the correction form/enrolment form and can be put to use to apply for an Aadhar number or to have the information of the existing number rectified. The Aadhar form will gather all the information of the individual with the details about his documents being presented to support the documents.

Fees for Aadhaar Card:

The Aadhaar card service is offered for free and you do not have to pay any charges or fees linked with it. Adhaar is a service that aims to offer Indian residents an identity card, which is authentic across the country and you can treat it as a standard. The Aadhar Card also simplifies the transfer of benefits of any existing or future governmental plans to its beneficiaries. The aforementioned two facts make it a good idea to apply for an Aadhar number though it is not necessary at the moment.

Get to Know about Aadhaar Card:

Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI):

UIDAI, i.e. Unique Identification Authority of India is an agency of Central Government of India that acts as the authority to issue Unique Identification Number (UIN) of Aadhaar and is also a part of the Planning Commission of India. It gathers demographic and biometric data of the residents of India and collects the data and figures in a consolidated database and releases a twelve-digit UIN (unique identification number) to every citizen known as Aadhaar number.

How can you apply for Aadhar Card?

An Adhaar card is an identity card containing biometric as well as demographic details of an individual. If you want to apply for an Adhar Card, you must fulfil the eligibility criteria. It is totally voluntary to apply for an Aadhar. Visiting an enrolment centre and registering yourself for an appointment on-line is the key part of the process of application. You can learn more about the Aadhar Card application process, registration process of Aadhaar and the documents that are to be presented and availing the Aadhaar card below:

How can you book an appointment for enrolment for Adhaar?

It is optional to book an appointment for enrolment for Adhaar and apply for it. However, to book an appointment for Aadhar Enrolment can be advantageous and save your time. The appointment process for Adhaar enrolment has been made much easier and seamless by the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) with a number of resources. Know more about the benefits of booking a meeting for the enrolment of Adhar, and the process of booking an appointment for the enrolment of Adhaar.

Correction of Aadhaar Card and its enrolment form:

You have to follow an established process so as to apply for an Adhaar card. The candidate applying for Aadhaar must book an appointment and present necessary documents and forms. There are two categories of documents that you will have to submit The first form is the enrolment form and the other form is the form of Card Correction that will be of use in case you need to make changes in the information recorded. Know more about these two forms so as to apply for Aadhaar.

How can you update the Details of your Aadhar Card?

An Aadhaar Card in an identification card containing the demographic and biometric details of a person. UIDAI issues this card to citizens of India along with NRIs. Aadhar number is issued by UIDAI as soon as the registration procedure is completed. However, there are cases where you might realise that you have made a mistake in the information provided after the generation of the Aadhar Card. A provision is made by UIDAI to change the information already present in the Adhaar. Learn about how you can update the Adhaar Card details.

How to Check the Status of Aadhaar?

You can apply for an Aadhar Card in offline as well as online mode. Filing an application for an Adhaar is a simple and easy process and you can do it in no time. The status of your Aadhar application can also be checked to know about the progress of the application. There are various ways via online portal offered by UIDAI. Read on to know more about the seamless ways to keep a vigil on your Aadhaar status.

How to audit Aadhaar Card correction status or update?

An Adhaar Card consists of demographic and biometric details. However, sometimes it so happens that you might come across some mistakes in your issued Aadhar card or the details present in the card are not correct. In order to get it resolved, a provision is made by the issuing authority, UIDAI, in what respect the holder of the card can apply for rectifying the details or updating the information in the Aadhar card. You can even track the status of your application for Aadhar card correction status or its update. Read more to know about how to check the updated status of the Aadhar card.

How to obtain a duplicate copy of Aadhar Card?

An Adhaar card is an imperative form of proof of identity containing demographic and biometric information of the citizen of India. There are possibilities that you might misplace or lose your Aadhar card. UIDAI has made it easier for you to avail a duplicate copy of an Aadhaar card if your original one is misplaced, lost or stolen. Know more to know to avail a duplicate copy of Aadhar card.

What can you do if you do not receive your Adhaar Card?

In order to get an Adhaar card, you are required to follow a procedure. The candidate has to apply for Adhaar and UIDAI then dispatches it. You can also check the status of your application online. In some situations, the status inquiry will assert that the Adhaar card is dispatched but the concerned person would not have received the card. Know more about what to do when you do not receive the Aadhaar card.

Documents needed for an Adhaar Card:

The process to apply for an Aadhaar card is an easy procedure. To register for the Adhaar, the candidate has to reveal information through certain forms together with various other documents. It is imperative to submit the real documents consisting of precise and authentic details concerning the candidate. Learn more about the documents required to be presented while you apply for an Adhaar.

How can you apply for Adhaar Card without any documents?

In order to apply for an Aadhaar, you are required to submit certain documents and forms. The documents include proof of identity, proof of date of birth, proof of address, etc. However, there are certain instances wherein you might be unable to furnish such documents. Read more to learn if you can apply for an Aadhar without any documents and the process that has to be followed.

Common Problems with Adhaar and how you can resolve it?

In spite of the UIDAI’s best efforts to make the procedure of application easy for the Indian residents, there are many people who come across several problems with the process of enrolment, loss of the Adhaar Card, etc. Read on to learn about the common problems you face with reference to the Aadhar Card and the key to resolve it.

Aadhaar Card Enquiry and Complaints:

Although everything is made hassle free and easy by the UIDAI when it comes to Adhaar, there comes a time when the candidate or holder of the Aadhar card will come across problems related to the Aadhar Card. UIDAI has turned up with various modes through which you can file your complaints and receive your grievances addressed related to your Aadhaar Card. Learn about how to file a grievance related to Aadhar Card irrespective of your location in India.

Aadhaar Card FAQs:

Q1. What is the validity of Aadhaar Card?

A1. The Aadhar number or the Aadhar card is valid for the whole life of an individual.

Q2. Is it mandatory for an individual to obtain an Aadhar Card?

A2. At present, it is not mandatory to get enrolled for Aadhaar. However, it is suggested that you get registered as it gets easy for the government to comprehend in the special scheme if you get registered with the Aadhar.

Q3. Will I still receive subsidies by the Government and other benefits if I do not have an Aadhaar Card?

A3. Yes, even though you do not have an Adhaar Card, you can still avail the government schemes and apply for them whichever is appropriate for you.

Q4. Is there any difference between the Aadhar Card and an e-Aadhaar?

A4. No. There is no difference between the Aadhar Card and an e-Aadhaar. They are same; however, the only difference between the two is that while the e-Aadhaar card is a document that can be obtained online, the Aadhar card is the same doc that is sent via mail.

Q5. What should be done in case of loss of the Aadhaar Card?

A5. If you lose your Aadhaar card, you can obtain a duplicate copy of the Aadhar card simply by downloading the copy of the lost Aadhar card.

Q6. Can the status of the Adhaar application or request for rectification be checked?

A6. Yes. The status of the application of Adhaar and the request for rectification can be checked via registered mobile number or online.

Q7. Who all can have the Adhaar Card?

A7. Any individual who resides in India qualifies to apply for an Adhaar. This includes NRIs and foreigners too, as long as they have lived in India for a total of 182 days within a year.

Q8. What is the fee to get an Aadhar Card?

A8. The Adhaar programme is entirely voluntary and you do not have to pay any charges to get an Adhaar or to enrol for it.

Q9. I have not received the card despite registering for it long ago. What should I do?

A9. There is a possibility that although you have registered for an Adhaar, you still have not received the card. There may be two explanations for this. The first might be that your application got accepted but there has been a lag in the dispatch of the document. In aforesaid cases, you can get hold of the official website of UIDAI and download the e-Adhaar that is just the same as the original card sent to you. The other instance for a non-receipt of Adhaar card is that UIDAI might have rejected your application. In this case, you can apply for an Adhaar again.

Q10. How can I collect my Adhaar Card once it gets issued?

A10. You will receive Adhaar Card via mail to the registered address.

Q11. What does EID number mean?

A11. EID, i.e. Enrolment ID is nothing but a 28-digit number enrolment id. Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) issues the EID. Aadhaar Acknowledge Receipt contains the EID. This number includes:

  • Station Code: 5 Digits
  • EA Code: 4 Digits
  • Date: 8 Digits
  • Sequence: 5 Digits
  • Time: 6 Digits

Q12. Can a citizen of US apply for an Adhaar Card?

A12. As per the rules under the Aadhaar Act, 2016’s provisions, UIDAI issues an Adhaar card only to an individual living in India for around 182 days in total. The candidate must have stayed in India for the aforementioned number of days during a period of 12-months

Q13. How long does it take to obtain an Adhaar Card?

A13. Generally, it takes 60 to 90 days to receive an Aadhaar card once you enrol yourself for it. At times, the card can be processed earlier.

Once you register for an Adhaar, the demographic and biometric details submitted by you are sent to the UIDAI (Unique Identification Authority of India) for verification and screening. The UIDAI Data Centre carries out this process. The package of Aadhaar, before delivery, has to go through a de-duplication procedure to make sure that it does not contain any error. Once all the accuracy tests and quality tests are concluded, you receive the Adhaar Card.

Q14. How can I know whether my bank account is linked with Aadhar?

A14. It is feasible to know if your Adhaar number is linked to your bank account. You can track the status via the National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI).

Q15. Can I have multiple Aadhar Cards?

A15. No. One individual can have only one Adhaar card.

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